Friday, September 24, 2010

Gleek for a day

With all due respect to everyone who faithfully watches every Glee episode, I am not a Gleek. I know I admitted to watching SYTYCD, but really, I'm more of a scary thrills and chills and shoot-em-up spy kind of girl. That being said the inner Bam is freaking out over the "Britney" Glee episode that is coming up next Tuesday. Fr-Ea-King Out. I can't help it. I love Britney. Not "head-shaving-two-months-in-rehab-you-can-see-my-Britney" Britney. I love "down-South-i-love-cheese-grits-happy-pop-queen" Brit-Brit.

I get super excited over all the teasers.

From Perez.

From Entertainment Weekly.

By the way, when I told my hubby that we were watching the Britney Glee episode, He said "I don't have a problem with that." Boys love Britney too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

worst hangover ever...

One of the reasons I haven't posted in so long is I accidentally had one of the worst hangovers ever over Labor Day weekend, or possibly the flu, or both. I was off of work, so I slept in, then had a girls day. We went to see a cheap midday movie with the senior citizen set, followed by mani-pedi time and a late afternoon lunch with wine. There's nothing that makes you feel like a lady of leisure aka "ladies who lunch" more than the occasional weekday you can drink wine with lunch. From there, a decision was made that one of my friends and I should then plan a wine and cheese night to finish off the day.

I was feeling very tired and full from my leisurely day, but I wanted to rally and make the most of my day off, so I slurped back a jumbo sized sugar free red bull and went shopping for the prerequisites, wine, cheese, and bread. It all seems like a benign beginning for events preceding my worst hangover ever...

When I say accidentally, I do acknowledge that I drank quite a bit in total that Friday. A total of three bottles of wine were split between the two of us. Plus that one shot we had later. I was feeling tipsy and social, but I was good, drinking water between glasses, eating carbs with my manchego and coffee encrusted goat cheese. I will also say that I have, allegedly, consumed far more alcohol in a shorter amount of time, with much less food, and have been far more than tipsy than I was that night. So when I woke up to a slight headache, I was a little surprised, but figured I had drank enough to feel some effects.

A portion of drinks allegedly consumed on another girls night. From right to left, appletini, key lime martini, and guavatini. Yes, I take pictures of cocktails with my cell phone.

I got up, walked the doggies, started to do some chores, then to my surprise began to feel nauseated, tired, and ached all over my body. I decided since it was a holiday weekend, to try to eat a grilled cheese sandwich and take a nap to see if I could sleep it off. An hour and a half later, I get up, try to do more chores and about twenty minutes later feel even worse than before. I lie down and watch TV for an hour or so before nausea hits again. This time I had to visit the ladies room to relieve my nausea if you know what I mean. Uh-oh. About an hour later, a second wave hit. My husband at this point gave me some medication for nausea.

How I felt. Ugh.

Before I continue, I want to tell you about the one time I took Nyquil three or four years ago. I had a cold and couldn't sleep for a couple of nights so decided to purchase and use Nyquil on a Friday night. I woke up SUNDAY AFTERNOON. No joke.

Back to the hangover story, the medication he gave me totally zonked me and I could barely keep my eyes open for the rest of the night. I did keep down some chicken soup and crackers. Sunday when I woke up, I didn't have nausea, but was dead tired and ached up and down my spine. I was pretty lazy, did a few things and took another long nap. Monday I still felt a little off, but acted like a semi-normal human being. We stayed in and played video games. By Tuesday I felt my normal energetic self and actually went for a run.

Three day hangover? Flu? Both? I don't know. All I know is that I am getting too old for those kind of shenanigans.